Idols (aidoru) one of the phenomena of modern culture of Asia. Singers, dancers, actresses, models - Idols - a beautiful girls, and often this is their only talent.
Collection Idols for funs 5875+ movies - 100% legal content!
New service - Loading old posts on on request.
The blog publishes the collection of video idol in its original form without conversion. On the site from January 1, 2018, a video idol converted into a pseudo or original 60fps, also, may be, adjustment the color-picture.
You can order a video for the blog and a version in 60fps in our chat room. Chat is available for guests and does not require registration.
We do not buy video in stores! We use only the video added to the network by other fans!
Archives open WinRAR version 5+ (recommended 5.5)
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All rights to the products, photos and video - belong to their creators. We are not a dealer and do not sell products - all purchases you make movies the owners or their representatives. We do not store any video on our server. All the products are located at the owners or their dealers. All movies are legal and allowed the free market - submit complaints to the video their producers!